Agree on the investment methodology, strategy and stick on it – Do not change goal posts in the middle of the investment journey
Appoint a good leadership they will guide the group – Let the leadership have a term limit and they should have well written and agreed target of achievement during their term . I suggest three years term limit and preferably renewable on performance basis
Think Long term and Act long term – It’s dangerous to think quick fixes and having a hype of quick money as Chamas is not a lottery group. Patience pays at all times
Have a very good investment vision – This is with good focus and a great investment partner who can advise you. I have personally found myself guiding hundreds of Chamas in Australia, Kenya , United Kingdom, United States of America and South Africa. I have done numerous teleconferencing and some of these Chamas are now millionaires through partnering with Optiven Ltd
Keep members updated on investment undertaken – As a leadership keep the hopes of members high. I do not advocate keeping funds in the account. You could purchase properties on installments. I once saw a great offer with Optiven Group where Chamas we paying as little as usd 200 per member to acquire value added properties within Nairobi environs .
To get more details on how your chama can invest with us Kindly talk to us via 0702 831083 , 0738 831083, Email; Website: