Join us for an extraordinary event that combines the thrill of driving with the pursuit of financial prosperity! Get ready to ignite your investments and indulge in mouthwatering Mbuzi Choma as we bring together CX5 Car Owners and Optiven Investment experts.

Here’s what you can expect at this exclusive gathering:

  • Investment Insights: Learn from seasoned experts about the power of strategic investments and how you can maximize your wealth growth.
  • CX5 Car Owners’ Network: Connect with fellow CX5 owners, share experiences, and discover the perks of being part of this exclusive community.
  • Mbuzi Choma Delight: Savor the delectable flavors of Mbuzi Choma, a Kenyan culinary delight, as you network and engage in stimulating investment discussions.
  • Engaging Discussions: Participate in interactive sessions and Q&A panels where you can get your investment-related questions answered by industry professionals.
  • Exclusive Offers: Gain access to special investment offers and opportunities tailored for CX5 Car Owners attending the event.

Don’t miss out on this unique fusion of luxury, investment wisdom, and mouthwatering delicacies!

Secure your spot now by registering below