Located in Laikipia County, welcome to the Great Oasis Gardens by Optiven. Investors are assured of breathtaking views, desirable weather all year, picturesque backgrounds, a diversity of both flora and fauna. It is here that you can easily access the project located on the Nanyuki Rumuruti Road that is only 12 minutes from the Nanyuki CBD.

And there is more! Investors at the home of BIGGER-Is-BETTER have commenced building their dream homes at the Great Oasis Gardens. Are your plans ready? When are you breaking ground? The Great Oasis Gardens by Optiven is a ready to build project with amenities on site. Take a few of the remaining ones today and begin your construction of your dream investment.

Invest with Optiven

Call us today : 0790300300 /0723  400500
Email: info@optiven.co.ke