Leading real estate company Optiven, has this year expanded it’s portfolio to cater for the vast customer needs across the board. The company which has been in operation for the last 24 years has invested in affordable projects in new counties including in Kilifi and Bondo as well as counties between the lake and the ocean.

With the current increasing inflation, Optiven has further priced the projects favourably to ensure that as many Kenyans as possible move into the property ownership project in line with its vision and mission. Speaking at Ocean View Ridge – Vipingo, George Wachiuri, the Group Chief Executive Officer noted that the company had leveraged on it’s 24 years experience to provide products and services for investors.

Wachiuri said, “we continuously seek ways to improve our offering guided by our values over the years, key of which is innovation and professionalism”.

 His sentiments are further cemented by the company’s recognitions from various sectors including in the digital space, ICT inclusivity (https://www.optiven.co.ke/newsblogs/optiven-group-scoops-best-digital-inclusion-award/ ), financial annexation (https://www.optiven.co.ke/newsblogs/optiven-is-the-best-in-embracing-financial-inclusion/ ) and philanthropy (https://www.optivenfoundation.org/news-and-blogs/optiven-foundation-takes-empowerment-award-at-women-on-boards-ceremony/ ).

Optiven’s portfolio has in the recent past seen an upscaled inclusion of affordable properties. This is a part of the customer needs assessment incentive targeting the middle and low income earners. As part of the company’s strategy to settle Kenyans, Optiven is also at the forefront of mentoring the public in mattes of real estate.

This Optiven has done by facilitating platforms to offer guidance and general information with regard to investments. While it’s operations have expanded to other counties, Optiven has been able to host various investors at Coffee Events within their offices. In the first half of 2023, Optiven successfully hosted sessions dubbed “Investment over Coffee with Optiven” at the Absa and Nakuru offices respectively.

Tom Kibet, Regional Manager for Nakuru says, “the opportunity to interact at a personal level and better understand what our customers needs are is the reason we host the sessions. For example in Nakuru the customers took the opportunity to know where our offices are and even better there was time for one on one interactions.

He made the remarks shortly after hosting the inaugural Nakuru Edition of the “Investment over Coffee” at the Optiven Nakuru offices located at Golden Life Mall, 7th Floor.

Optiven’s portfolio now has properties from as little as 169,000 shillings which will afford an investor a quarter acre of land in Malindi and is inclusive of a title deed. With 379,000 shillings, investors are able to also take a piece of Nanyuki where the project offers land in big chunks of upto 50 acreas at the Great Oasis Gardens.

Racheal Ndunge, the Head of Sales at Optiven says, “with the affordable properties we are happy that our customers can begin their investment journey in comfort. We are opening these projects up especially to those seeking to do land banking as a part of their wealth creation and development.” Through this, Optiven is now continuously inspiring possibilities.

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