Real Estate in Kenya

Optiven Firmly Committed to Going Green


Going Green is all about more environmentally friendly & ecologically responsible decisions and lifestyles, which ultimately helps to protect our environment and sustain its natural resources for our current and future generations. Going Green also helps us to save on energy as we increase the value of our properties. As we celebrate this year's Customer

Optiven Firmly Committed to Going Green2022-05-24T13:19:39+00:00

Customer Service Week At Optiven Kicks Off With Activity


Monday the 5th October 2020 was an extra ordinary day for Optiven. The award winning company gathered it's staff virtually to join the world in celebration of Customer Service Week. The week is an opportunity to re-engage with customers both internal and external. The opportunity also calls out top companies that have exuded great Customer

Customer Service Week At Optiven Kicks Off With Activity2022-05-24T13:19:54+00:00

On Affordable Housing, Lets Build Alongside Government


Business journalists with affinity to the real estate sector have for the last three or so years fixed their sights on affordable housing. Kenya, like other fast-developing African nations is keen to realist affordable housing for its burgeoning population. In March 2020, I spoke with George Wachiuri, CEO, Optiven Group on the issue of housing

On Affordable Housing, Lets Build Alongside Government2022-05-24T13:22:11+00:00

Optiven is Transparent In The Real Cost Of Acquisition


It has been noted that a majority of investors especially first time investors in acquisition of real estate are skeptical. Skepticism, is as such the leading reason why many people do not invest especially in the real estate sector – a sector that has great capacity to change lives! For those who have done it

Optiven is Transparent In The Real Cost Of Acquisition2022-05-24T13:29:48+00:00

To All our Esteemed Clients in Kenya, Diaspora and the Public at Large


It has come to our attention that there are a few unscrupulous persons who have been fraudulently using the good name of Optiven to acquire money by false pretense from Kenyans, especially those who live in the United States of America. We have learnt of how these persons have been using an elaborate scheme to

To All our Esteemed Clients in Kenya, Diaspora and the Public at Large2022-05-24T13:31:12+00:00

Optiven takes a card on real estate amidst covid


The year 2020 had begun on a high for a majority of real estate firms. This also saw many investors putting their money in the projects by leading real estate company Optiven Limited. The company with experience spanning over 20 years and with projects in counties bordering Nairobi, had been in a great place by

Optiven takes a card on real estate amidst covid2022-05-24T13:34:31+00:00

To build or buy, its your home


A majority of investors especially those investing for the first time at any of the Optiven projects face the dilemma of whether or not to build or buy their home. Recently the upsurge in the number of customers buying the few plots that were remaining at Rafiki Gardens saw at least 40% share their expectations

To build or buy, its your home2022-05-25T11:14:47+00:00

Title Deeds Transfer in Kenya: What You Need To Know


Surveys and competitive platforms, have found that Optiven Limited is the go to company for investors in Real Estate. Why, when there seems to be so much happening within the sector? Three out of five investors with Optiven Limited have cited issuance of title deeds upon completion of purchase as a top reason for investment.

Title Deeds Transfer in Kenya: What You Need To Know2023-02-27T12:55:48+00:00

Optiven’s Transformative App changes Lives


Ahead of Kenya's review of it's intellectual property laws, Optiven Limited continues in it's stride to innovate. Through it's transformative Shamba Mkononi App, Optiven is keen on going forward in meeting it's vision of socioeconomic transformation. The award winning technovation has already made its mark through it's numerous benefits. Employment - The Shamba Mkononi App

Optiven’s Transformative App changes Lives2022-05-25T11:22:28+00:00

KNOW THE DIFFERENCE: Freehold or Leasehold?


The need for homes is seeing a growing number of investors putting their money in real estate. Why? Because apart from shelter being a basic need, it's one of the most desirable achievements to have in life. This is more profound now as we face the Covid-19 pandemic where majority are enjoying being in their

KNOW THE DIFFERENCE: Freehold or Leasehold?2022-05-25T11:22:58+00:00
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